Wednesday, August 15, 2007

choosing happiness

I liked this article (found via Willa). I have really been trying lately to enjoy and savor the little things, and find ways to choose to be happy.

I have noticed how much my own happy (or grumpy!) moods are reflected back to me by my family.

Monday, August 13, 2007

a lovely mountain weekend


This little rippling creek next to our campsite this weekend really captured my imagination. Watching the water rush away through and around the trees made me think that if I followed it I might find little woodland fairies or hobbit cottages.

It made such a soothing sound as we fell asleep, too.

Monday, August 6, 2007

back from texas

I love looking west and seeing mountains. But one thing I miss about living in the flatlands is the sunsets. Here in the Colorado front range, the sun just goes right down behind the mountains, usually without a lot of fanfare. Sometimes we get a surprise burst of color, which is cause for much oohing and ahhing.
However, when we go down to Austin, this type of scene is a regular occurrence at my mom's house. Beautiful colors that intensify and last a long time after the sun is well down below the horizon.
Although...actually now that I compare this photo to the one in my banner (taken in eastern Colorado), I see how similar the colors really are. You just have to go a little further east.
And the sunrises here can be spectacular too. I'm just not usually up that early with my camera!